Thursday, January 31, 2008


Pele is my Congo African Grey and he is one smart bird! He talks all the time!!! If it is not crazy enough at my house with 5 kids constantly yelling "MOMMY", Pele does it too. When he gets mad or impatient with me he calls me by my first name. The weird thing is that every morning at 7:25 a.m. he says "Avery Rose, time to go. Let's go. Avery Rose, come on, let's go!" When the kids hear that they know it is time to head to the car. When my dad comes over he says, Papa's here!!

Right now his favorite thing to eat are beef taquitos. He inhales them! Here are a couple of pictures of him eating one.

Who's walking around on the roof??

This is the question my 13 daughter Christina asked my husband Bob the other day. My first thought was that she had spiked a fever and is halucinating. She had been sick! My husband assured her that no one was walking on the roof and that it was probably just the wind and the rain. She told him that it had stopped raining and that it couldn't be the wind because she heard foot steps. He countered with, it is a squirrel. She says that maybe it is our 17 year old son. OK, so that isn't it because he is at Disneyland. So, to pacify Christina, Bob went outside in the cold, wet, dark night to check it out. Guess what was on the roof??? Our 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter. YIKES!! Did I mention that it was dark, windy, and that it had just been raining?? After we explained to them that they could been seriously injured, paralyzed, or dead we told them that they are grounded until they are 18. Well, maybe not that long but grounded none the less.
So the moral of the story is you may need to specify to your children that they are not allowed on the roof. After all we never told them not to do that!!