Friday, February 1, 2008

Something cool!

OK, so it is no surprise to anyone what a big Dodger fan I am. I have no idea howI became such a big baseball and football fan. The only sport my dad watched was roller derby and my brothers could have cared less about any sport. As a little girl I would beg my dad to take me to Dodger games, so he would take me and my friend, Claudia, and we would sit in the left field pavillion in the top left corner and he would buy us Dodger dogs and chocolate malts. To this day I still love the flat wooden spoons! When I was 16 I was a huge L.A. Raider fan and they made it to the playoffs, with home field advantage, so I told my parents I didn't want anything else for Christmas except for Raider playoff tickets. I wasn't driving yet so they dropped me and my friend off at the Coliseum for the game. Well, they won that game and were going to play the next weekend so I begged my parent once again ( I did a lot of begging as a child) and asked them to buy me tickets to that playoff game and they did. SO, they dropped me and my brother off at the Coliseum and we got to see them win again!! They went on to win the Superbowl that year and I was really happy!! My extra bonus was the Marcus Allen was the MVP. I had the biggest crush on him!!!

OK, so back to baseball!!! The other day at Dodger stadium they had the "Select-A-seat" event for season ticket holders. It is an opportunity to possibly get better seats. ANYWAY, I got to sit in the dugout!! That was VERY exciting for me!! Even cooler is that Bob took my picture!! See, this is why I don't go anywhere with out my camera!

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