Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Regarding laundry, what drives me next after socks is towels! There are bath towels left all over my house constantly. I put up hooks in the kids rooms so in theory they would shower, use a towel, then hang it up so it would dry and be ready for the next time they showered. Well, that wasn't really cutting it so voila, I came up with an even better idea. Go to Target, assign a color to each of the kids and get 2 bath towels, one hand towel, and one wash cloth of that color. Tim-orange, Christina-hot pink, Aedan-black, Hannah-green, and Avery Rose-blue.
I will let you know in a few weeks how that works out for us!

1 comment:

Falling LEAVes said...

hope it works! I heard or read somewhere that everyone should have a different colored towel. I tried to do that in our house, but it didn't work out. I keep my blue towels in my room, and all the other colored towels for everyone else. And eventually... the other towels I get for the family end up on the floor as a floor mat :-/