Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Ring Thing.

I am the only person who does this??
My favorite Aunt, who passed away in 1996, taught me this. When a thought pops in your head that you don't want to forget and you can't write it down you spin your wedding ring around so that it is facing backwards. The next time you realize that your ring is backwards you remember why you turned it around in the first place. It really works!!
Of course there are several times that I notice my ring is backwards and for the life of me I cannot remember WHY I turned it around.
I have a few therories about this-1-That I do this little trick WAY too much and it has lost it's trickiness. 2-That I am losing my mind and can't remember anything. 3-That I have too many kids and I don't know if I'm coming or going.

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