Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 9

Ok so I am going to have to give you all the "Readers Digest" version of today until I can type it out on a real keyboard.
In a nutshell we woke up, ate breakfast, walked to the dock, got on the boat and headed out to the Great Barrier Reef. Because I have been known to get seasick I took TWO Bonine tablets, 2 ginger tablets, and wore motion sickness wristbands. Guess what? I still got sick. BAD!! I threw up most of the out to the pontoon. It took about an hour and a half. Thank God there was a pontoon that was stable!! I rested for a while then went snorkeling. I was able to stay out there for about 30 minutes before I knew it was time to come in. I did get changed before I threw up some more. Here is where the story gets long but I must keep it short for now. I opted to take a helicoptor back to the dock with 3 other people. We did have to take a rowboat out to the helipad. Just as we were getting ready to get in the rowboat a monsoon hit. We got SO wet. We made it to the heli and eventually made it back to the hotel. Quite an adventure!! Bob got back a couple of hours later. He went scuba diving and saw a reef shark. We order dinner from room service and then off to bed.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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