Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I know I am posting this a day late but we were on the go all day long yesterday.
We got up early, skipped breakfast, got in our rental, and headed to the Blue Mountains! On our first stop we were fortunate to see 2 kangaroos eating. Then we went on a couple of good hikes. We drove a lot and walked a lot. On our way back we saw a kangroo and wombat road kill. We have also seen a lot of wild cockatoo's. They are white with yellow feathers on top. Beautiful! We ended our driving excursion with a stop at Bondi Beach. It is a beautiful cove. The sand is white and very fine and soft. We returned our car to our hotel then walked to Darling harbour to eat dinner. I had fish and chips. That is the end of our long day!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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